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Flavor Enhancers

Ground red spice in a blue bowl. there is a whole white spice on a beige spoon in the background.

Is Artificial Chicken Flavor Vegetarian? A Dietitian’s Perspective

Chicken flavoring is kind of a weird thing, right?  Is it seasoning meant to flavor chicken, or is it seasoning made from chicken by-products? Essentially, it depends.  Many artificial chicken flavorings are actually vegan, containing mostly mixed, dried vegetables and hydrolyzed vegetable protein, along with some salt and pepper. However, a vegetarian or vegan needs

Is Artificial Chicken Flavor Vegetarian? A Dietitian’s Perspective Read More »

red text "is corn syrup vegetarian" next to an image of 2 ears of corn and a vial of golden corn syrup

Is Corn Syrup Vegetarian?

Jennifer Hanes MS, RDN, LD Navigating dietary preferences can be challenging, especially in multivore families where vegetarians coexist with omnivores. In such households, understanding ingredient labels becomes crucial for maintaining a vegetarian lifestyle while accommodating diverse dietary needs. One common ingredient that often raises questions among vegetarians is corn syrup. Derived from cornstarch, corn syrup

Is Corn Syrup Vegetarian? Read More »

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